Friday, November 10, 2006

Moving Stairs

I miss the spontaneity of the broadcasts on public transport. Hearing the same message on a loop across the entire system can be intensely irritating and on occasion I'm sure I've continued rehearsing it in my sleep. Pre-recorded announcements seem to be available at the flick of a switch so I'm always glad to hear someone winging it.

7.19am. West Ham. 'Would all passengers please note that dogs should not be taken on moving stairs. They should be taken on the normal stairs. Animals on escalators can be dangerous.'

(I'm just disappointed I missed the dog. Probably some tiny, insignificant little thing; still, I don't know the truth. I'm picturing a majestic Great Dane).


RandomlySane said...

(sigh) everything is automated these days...there's not a big public transportation system here, but i definitely miss talking to real people when i call a company or pay my bills...

i actually ended up ignoring a woman because i thought she was automated....i was waiting for the prompt...! lol - sad times...

Anon said...

The dog was probably one of them little ankle biters old ladies have.

Don't even get me started on automated systems, I hate them. Did you know there is a website that publishes direct line numbers for companys? It lets you get around the automated ones :-)

Ashley said...

I remember after my first trip to London as a kid how I came back to the US and for months, obnoxiously told my family to "mind the gap" (in my best impression of the automated voice) every time we got out of the car.