Sunday, October 08, 2006

Does he have a brother?

We'd just passed the Freemasons' Hall on Great Queen Street when C. asked "Did you see who that was?"

"Kind of."

"I think he's still an MP."

Without a shadow of doubt or moment of hesitation I replied "Tony Banks. Thought he looked familiar."

By the time we'd reached Long Acre I was having a rethink. "Isn't he dead?"

The answer to that question, dear reader, is yes.


Red said...

I'm sure there's a conspiracy theory there somewhere...

coolbuddha said...

If you had said Harold Wilson I really would be worried.

pat said...

he wasn't much cop when he was alive...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, mayeb Volver coudl have been used to a better story line after all

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, mayeb Volver coudl have been used to a better story line after all

Ashley said...

He died in the US. He got a tiny little blurb in the papers.

Anyway, a lot of middle-aged men look like Tony Banks. Really. Think about it.