Monday, July 17, 2006

Wish I had a Camera (2)

1. As I rushed past a freshly-written piece of graffito in Shadwell which went along the lines of: BLAIR AND BUSH SEND BULLETS AND BOMBS TO RACIST ZIONIST APARTHEID ISRAEL...that's as much as I can remember. Blue marker on a boarded up shop-front.

2. The man from the ice-cream van who drove into the bunting (Irish tricolour; union flag and plain white) hanging from St Anne's church to the railings of St Anne's school trying to disentangle the aforementioned from the roof of his vehicle. Hilarious.


pat said...

you have to get pics of the graph. it is my new hobby.

but nothing has beaten the classic "chelsea wankers" so right on all levels.

Shep said...

Pat, I still laugh about the 'All Gingers R Aliens' I found and sent you...