Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why Live in Barking? Reason One.

As a consequence of a swollen and ludicrously painful gum (which I put down to wisdom teeth trouble), I rang a very pleasant-looking dentists in Barking to see if I could register. I fully expected them to say no given the horror stories frequently recorded in the national press about the availability of dentists.

To my great surprise, once I explained I wanted to register and needed an appointment after 4.30pm, the receptionist not only offered me an appropriate time within 2 days but also advanced the following question: “Would you like to be treated as an NHS or private patient?”.

Well, blow me down. My new Russian dentist and Polish dental nurse were very nice and professional , even if I do now have antibiotics with which you cannot drink, and a check-up, x-ray and polish cost £15.50 at NHS prices. Not many places you can say that for in this day and age!

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