The postman brought a bundle of cards made by some of my pupils today. They're all aged thirteen and fall into the disaffected/disruptive label dished out by schools and I until I left I taught them along the primary model - all of us in the room together with me doing my best with every subject under the sun. And a great time we had. I thought their basic literacy had improved but their spelling needs some work:
Essebella Iserbell Issebella Issabell
My favourite comments are Yes, you was pregnant and you did it! You had a nice girl! and You must love her very much because you love us and we're not yours.
One of the (very few) benefits of the garage having had your car for three weeks (yes, that does read three weeks) is walking through the church and abbey ruins to the supermarket.
Whilst this fella is a little shy about helping himself to the nuts, his mate has no such qualms.